Call for Competitions


Call for Competitions

22.01.2024 – Competition Results

The goal of this first edition of the Call for Competitions was to collect new ideas for original and unprecedented architecture contest in line with the values and the design topics promoted by TerraViva. Involving hundreds of talented creatives from all over the world, this initiative was a true success and we received a wide range of high-level proposals.

This challenge has confirmed once again the immeasurable value of our amazing community of architects and designers, capable of proposing unique competition ideas addressing architectural and urban themes of great global relevance.

From the rehabilitation of UNESCO heritage sites to the adaptive reuse of industrial ruins, the winning proposals are located in many different countries and address various scales of intervention, from the most urban to the most architectural. Each contest proposal reflects the personal experience of the designer who wrote it, who through deep research into the topic and project site, has managed to tell a unique story about a building, a city or a particular landscape.

TerraViva congratulates all the winners and participants for becoming once again part of this outstanding community.

The name and location of each proposal will be revealed as the contests are launched. Stay tuned!

Awarded Proposals

(in alphabetical order by team leader)

Alessia Aliaga Saenz [Perú]

Anastasija Risteska & Eva Zovic [North Macedonia]

Andi Pratama & Jonathan Timotius [Indonesia]

Doni Hallko [Italy]

Esin Tekin [Türkiye]

Gabriele Lupo [Italy]

Marco Cau [Italy]

Mario Maiorani [Italy]

Mohamed Mekawi [Libya]
Nadina Bajric [Bosnia and Herzegovina]

Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #1 proposal

Nina Avdalyan & Ivane Gventsadze [Georgia] #2 proposal

Sara Lamon [Italy]
Simona Chingoska [North Macedonia]

Tim Ingleby & Will Fraser [UK]


(in alphabetical order by team leader)

Agnieszka Wiecha [Poland]
Aleksandra Petrovic, Sofia Teixeira, Ana Lopes, Eli Efram Elia [Sweden, Portugal]
Asser Moemen [Egypt]
Carlos Abello Vila [Spain] #1 proposal
Carlos Abello Vila [Spain] #2 proposal
Debora Di Francesco [Italy]
Dylan Bryan Ndetio Saa, Mohamed Mimche Vessah, Sabine Christelle Biwali Bekono [Togo]
Doni Hallko [Italy]
Elena Cantoni [Italy]
Eleonora Scrigner [Italy]
Erika Cavallo, Matteo Bertelli [Italy]
Filippo Marconi, Gioia Romani [Italy]
Giacomo Secchi, Mariana Horta, Raghad Alhamwi, Fabiano Soares, Martyna Illmann [Italy, Brazil, Syria, Poland]
Giorgia Zin [Italy]
Ilaria Scapin [Italy]
Jasmina Mallak [Croatia]
Javier Mora, Mario Neuta [Colombia]
Lorenzo Monarca [Italy]
Luigi Giotto Pagani, Alessandro Marco Greco [Italy]
Martyna Kotulek [Poland]
Matteo Tagliabue [Italy]
Meraj Goli [Iran]
Neff Claire [France]
Oskar Rischewski, Florian Durand [France]
Samuele Piacentini, Enrico Pupi [Italy]
Sena Nur Imir [Türkiye]
Trias Mahendarto, Arum Lestariningtyas [Indonesia]
Yasmine Greiss [Egypt]
Ng Yi Ming [Malaysia]
Yue Tam [Poland]
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Call for Competitions Results 2023-2